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Here I am with my fellow designer at JDA chatting about our industry and what we expect is coming in the industry.

It's something that we've seen develop over the last few years, people expecting more for their money. We've seen, pool and darts develop into fully sold bar experiences with shuffleboard, interactive darts entertainment systems, ping pong halls and more!

Along with higher expectations from food offerings, live events, quiz nights and entertainment, hospitality venues are finding themselves pushed further and further with deliverables to draw in the crowds. All of this with a backdrop of rising costs for everything from product to people.

It's very much a developing conversation around the value in and value out of businesses and how owners and operaters balance the two.

Few would deny that atmosphere is key in building any welcoming environment. Sounds, smells, lighting along with the look and feel of the space all help. Adding in the offer of interactivity and entertainment is the way most of the industry is headed to entice in the crowds as the need for more grows and grows.

How far will this trend go remains to be seen and the results of the industry efforts already in place are clear with the popularity of dedicated venues offering such activities. As designers, all we can do is look for the next big offering and how we can make it as accessible and entertaining as possible.


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